Hello, I'm Alyssa

Founder of Nyssas Collection.

Welcome to where we embrace the chaotic yet beautiful journey of life to rediscover overall well-being, joy, and purpose. Let me share a part of my personal journey with you.

Upon receiving a recommendation for Gastric Bypass surgery from my Doctor, I embarked on a natural weight loss journey almost four years ago. Unfortunately, the loss of my Mother and Grandfather disrupted my progress, leading to various challenges along the way. Despite facing setbacks, I gained resilience and valuable insights. By nearly losing 100 pounds naturally, I recognized the importance of a strong support system beyond therapy to navigate this journey with more ease and sustainability. This realization inspired me to establish a business that offers the support and simple methods I longed for during my own struggles.

It is our mission to provide a community where women with similar mindsets can discover solace, motivation, direction & to provide quality products to assist with their journey to overall wellness. It's not just about shedding pounds; it's about breaking unhealthy patterns and standing together through life's hurdles. We hope you find joy in this community and the resources we offer as we strive to support various aspects of well-being. If you require something not currently available, please reach out to us with your suggestions. We are always open to expanding our offerings!

Thank you for visiting and supporting Nyssas Collection!

"Try Before saying you can't!"
